What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Drinking

“Alcohol contains empty calories, which don’t offer nutrients,” Raichbach explains. Those empty calories aren’t as satisfying as energy from whole foods with nutrients like protein and fiber and fat, so you’re likely adding alcohol’s calories on top of your nutritional needs. If you eat an adequate amount to maintain your weight, any excess calories will be stored as fat.

does alcohol make you retain water

There are many causes of edema, including prolonged sitting, high salt intake, certain medicines, and some illnesses. But drinking alcohol, and especially heavy alcohol use, can also cause this issue. Photo by Thought Catalog on UnsplashOdds are, you’ve seen before and after photos of people who have quit drinking at some point. One striking difference is usually how much more swollen or bloated they look before vs after. While there are several reasons for this , one reason is the link between alcohol and edema. Alcoholism can also cause a condition called cardiomyopathy, which is damage to your heart, causing it to stretch and weaken over time. A weak heart struggles to pump blood throughout the body, and fluids can leak into your body tissues.

Drinking Water Will Have A Negligible Effect On A Hangover At Best

“Exercise is key to promoting circulation in the body,” Palinski-Wade says. Make sure you watch out for these nine subtle signs you’re drinking too much water. If you menstruate, this is one reason you might also retain water.

does alcohol make you retain water

We will comprehensively discuss what water retention is, its causes, and its link to alcohol intake. All our explanations are evidence-based, which makes them reliable to use to justify your answer. Read on and feel free to jot down some points to help you answer the question on if indeed alcohol causes water retention. If you’ve been drinking alcohol, you should drink water to quickly get rid of bloating in your face and stomach. Have you ever noticed puffiness in your face and your body after a long night of drinking alcohol? Bloating is one of the most common effects drinking alcohol can have on the body.

Diet & Nutrition

When you take alcohol out of the equation, “the liver doesn’t have to deal with metabolizing ethanol and can focus on being the body’s filter for other toxins that we naturally encounter,” Raichbach says. Drinking too much can also cause fatty liver disease, inflammation of the liver and, over time, cirrhosis and liver failure.

To give you an idea of what happens when you stop drinking, we’ve gathered the 15 benefits of not drinking alcohol you can expect to reap below. And while you’re making healthy changes, be sure to try out these 21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time. I always seem to weigh less after a hard night of drinking cause i’m dehydrated, but even one slice of pizza causes me to retain.

  • Excessive amounts of alcohol can also increase your blood pressure.
  • If you have changes in either of these neurotransmitters, it can lead to multiple effects, including increased heart rate, aggression, and depression.
  • “The main effect of alcohol is to reduce the amount of fat your body can burn for energy,” she explains.
  • “Alcohol contains empty calories, which don’t offer nutrients,” Raichbach explains.

For example, you might be playing a sport outside in the hot sun and get dehydrated from lack of water and also feel short of breath from all the activity. Severe hydration shrinks the blood vessels in the brain. When there aren’t high enough fluid levels in your brain, that affects your memory and coordination.


“Without water, you are less capable of storing energy because there is less oxygen in the muscle, less blood flow when you’re dehydrated, and less delivery and bonding of glycogen to create the energy needed.” Whether you’re considering cutting back, doing a 30-day dry month or giving up alcohol entirely, you’ll likely reap some benefits—but drinking in moderation can be OK too. That said, to make it abundantly clear, drinking water obviously isn’t going to do any harm — it’s relatively pointless if you’re trying to alleviate a hangover but it’s hardly likely to make it any worse. At best, drinking water could alleviate the symptoms of a dry mouth from drinking or cigarettes. Though alcohol is present in both these drinks, you’re also adding liquid to your body when you drink them. “You’re never really ‘dehydrated’. It’s not too dissimilar to the myth surrounding coffee.” “If you were to have a meal with your alcoholic beverage, the nutrient uptake from the meal would be greatly decreased due to the body working so hard to eliminate the alcohol from the body.”

Why so much of what you see on the weighing scales is down to things you can’t diet away – Daily Mail

Why so much of what you see on the weighing scales is down to things you can’t diet away.

Posted: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 22:57:29 GMT [source]

A common symptom of this problem is swelling hands and feet. Alcohol is also a diuretic, which means it causes your body to lose water through urine. Most people who have drunk alcohol will know that you can get up multiple times to pee even when you just have a few beers. Anecdotally, at least, many people report overeating after drinking. This may also be a result of lowered inhibitions and impaired judgment — two effects of alcohol.

It also takes longer for alcohol abusers to recover from this condition. Edema, which is the opposite of dehydration, is triggered by alcohol’s dehydrating properties.

Why Do My Feet Swell When I Drink? Alcohol And Edema

I usually drink on Saturdays and sometimes on Sundays, on Mondays i always weigh 3 -5 pounds more than on my last weigh in day Friday… But i lose it during the week and then some im losing 1-2 lbs a week… In conclusion just get back onto your clean eating and it will go down again within a few days.. This is especially the case if you Sober living houses notice that you’re going to bathroom more than usual. “On average, people urinate 6-8 times a day, though going up to 10 times a day is within the realm of normal for the water-drinking high-achieves,” says Koskinen. “Our bodies are entirely dependent on water,” he says. Your nightly glass-or three-of wine could be to blame, says Greuner.

does alcohol make you retain water

This can lead to the development of stomach ulcers, or peptic ulcers, which can become severe without the right treatment. When alcohol bloating occurs in the stomach, it may be the result of gastritis. The main characteristic of gastritis is inflammation in the lining of the stomach. This type of edema is excessive fluid retention in the lungs leading to breathing difficulties. This may result from conditions such as acute lung injury or congestive heart failure.

Youll Start Losing Weight

Nonetheless, water retention may also be caused by other factors including kidney and liver diseases, capillary damage, and congestive heart failure. Always consult with a doctor when you experience water retention signs and symptoms. Excessive drinking makes your kidneys hold on to excess water in response to a lack of suitable water. Consequently, you experience the symptoms of edema, or what is popularly known as water retention.

Not drinking enough water can lead to sluggish kidneys and urinary tract infections. ‘Mild dehydration can can increase your risk of developing kidney stones and UTIs,’ says Helen. Our bodies need water regularly – and little and often is best. ‘Even mild dehydration, which can be measured as a 1-2% loss on body weight, would have a negative impact on mental and physical performance,’ says Carrie. Many physical benefits, including aiding mental clarity, helping your digestive system, improving your mood and helping to fight fatigue. But when your liver is processing alcohol or sugars, no matter how much or how little, it becomes all the more important to not just fight the hangover, but stay healthy all evening long.

does alcohol make you retain water

Like with darker urine, you should increase your water intake and drink fluids if you’re experiencing mild to moderate dehydration. While a glass of water is a good “go-to,” if you’ve just finished a strenuous workout, you can also try like a sports drink or coconut water. If you are severely does alcohol cause dehydration dehydrated and your skin tents, you may have to visit a healthcare provider who can help treat dehydration. Research has not found a correlation between the extent of electrolyte disruptions and the severity of hangovers, or the impact of added electrolytes on hangover severity.

” According to the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, most fad diets, including Atkins and Zone, aren’t healthy, don’t result in long-term weight loss, and can even be dangerous for your health. “The body cleanses itself using the liver and kidneys quite efficiently.” In addition, limiting calories too much can cause the body to hold onto water, she says. So if you’re looking for how to lose water weight permanently, keeping a nutritionally balanced intake is the way to go. If you’re not getting physical activity, you may be retaining fluids—but getting moving is one way you can lose water weight.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, women should have 25 grams of fiber per day, and men 38 grams (or 21 and 30 grams respectively if you’re over 51 years old). The best source of fiber is from whole foods , including grains, vegetables, fruit, and legumes—and here’s why fiber is so good for your health. In fact, drinking water before, during, and after drinking alcohol can help prevent its inflammatory effects on the body.

does alcohol make you retain water

If you wait until after you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. “When you’re dehydrated, your heart has to work harder to maintain blood flow when you stand up,” Kumar explains.

“If you’re sufficiently dehydrated and your heart is not up to this task, the insufficient blood flow to your brain can result in fainting.” Your body cannot efficiently convert carbs into energy without ample water. And according to ThePhysiological Society, dehydration can lead to poor exercise performance. Not only will your workout sessions suffer but insufficient liquids in your body will also hold back the breakdown of fat. In the New Scientist study, staffers who quit alcohol found their blood cholesterol levels fell by an average of 5 percent in just 30 days!